Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Name is Donna Sturla. This is my very first blog !! As a realtor in Sacramento, I have lived in Crosswoods in Citrus Heights, CA, for eleven years. I love living there, and realized recently that most of the people there would benefit from having access to a Realtor who knows the "lay of the land" in Crosswoods. So, I wrote up a nice introduction letter, letting people know who I am and what I might be able to do for them. That way, they know they can call a neighbor in Crosswoods, and ask for the name of a good painter, electrician, plumber, painter, handyman, general contractor, carpet cleaner, and so on and so on, and I can give them that information. Also, who would be a better Realtor for Crosswoods than someone who actually lives there !
So, I started bringing my little letter to people who live on my court. As I did this, I ran into a small flock of turkeys who also live in Crosswoods. One of them was a huge male, with his feathers all plumped up. He was strutting around, probably doing his best to attract a female. I didn't know if I should walk by (and risk being stalked -- which happened to me once a few years ago, by four females) or walk way around him. I chose to walk by and just kept chatting to him, and he held his ground, ignored me, and let me go. I met a few more of my neighbors and introduced myself to them, and it was great fun.

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